updated 26.11.2004
Save the Kajaani City Theatre!

One of the most respected and successful municipal theatres in Finland is being threatened by extensive layoffs and cutbacks in personnel. The plan in question would halve the number of employees in the Kajaani City Theatre in the course of the next four years and would leave the staff unemployed for six months.

If these plans came into effect, they would cripple the theatre leaving it almost completely unable to function. The proposed plans could also leave the theatre without government funding and would, without any doubt, prevent the theatre from touring in the surrounding areas and thus functioning as the regional theatre of the Province of Oulu.

The political priorities are clearly set wrong in the Kainuu Region.

Judging from the statements and proposals of local leading politicians, politicians have given it is clear that the local authorities do not understand the value of a functioning theatre. Either this, or they simply do not want to understand.

The symbolic value of the Kajaani City Theatre is immeasurable in Finland today. The threat imposed on it shakes the basis of the world of theatre in this country. What will happen to similar smaller theatres in Finland? Is this kind of death sentence going to be given to them as well in the name of budget restraints? The tragedy of the Kajaani City Theatre is the tragedy of Kajaani, and the tragedy of all Finland.

The only bright side to the current grim situation is the increasing discussion and public debate that the situation in Kajaani is likely to stir up.

If you feel like making a supporting statement for the Kajaani City Thetre, please email it to us at: kajaaninteatteri@hukassa.com or mail it directly to the theatre at the address:

Kajaanin kaupunginteatteri
kauppakatu 14
87150 Kajaani, Finland.

more info: ville@cncd.fi

translation by P. Myöhänen




Kajaani City Theatre

City of Kajaani

Sivistystoimialajohtaja Risto Brunou
Sivistyslautakunnan puheenjohtaja Aki Räisänen
Kaupunginjohtaja Erkki VähämaaKulttuuriministeri Tanja Karpela
Teatterinjohtaja Ilkka LaasonenNäyttelijä, Oulun läänin taidetoimikunnan pj. Vesa Kaikkonen